Who Are We?
Who Are We?
Engineering, Business, and Entrepreneurship is a University of Wisconsin–Madison club affiliated with the College of Engineering geared toward engineers who are interested in developing entrepreneurial skills.
What Do We Do?
What Do We Do?
At the beginning of the year we have a group brainstorm for new ideas and/or innovations.

Members are split into design groups based on their interests. Throughout the year, they develop their idea to create market plans and prototypes.
During the spring semester, design teams are encouraged to compete in the many innovation and business plan competitions that Madison has to offer.
How Do We Do It?
Design Teams
Advisory Board
Mentors from Industry
Pitch Practice and Critique Before Competition
Presentations From Experienced Entrepreneurs
Executive Board
Connections to the Entrepreneurial Community of Madison
About our Executive Board

Name: Jonathan Buettner
Position: President
Year: Senior
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Jon is a senior in mechanical engineering. This is his 4th year in the club. Over his 4 years in EBE, Jon was a general member, team leader, and vice president before his co-president position in the club. Over the course of Jon’s time at Madison, he has been involved in a variety of design projects. Specifically, he has experience in the neonatal setting where he was part of team that worked on a bandage to decrease edema in infants and a bandage to firmly secure a pulse oximeter on a newborn. Beyond academic’s, Jon has applied his passion for engineering in industry by working as a design intern and most recently as a patent engineering intern at Michael Best. Following his graduation next semester, Jon will be returning to Michel Best as patent engineer. He is excited for his senior year and the new projects that EBE will be working on the next few semesters!

Name: Connor Haase
Position: Webmaster
Year: Senior
Major: Chemical Engineering
My freshman year I worked with an EBE team on developing an app to track library availability around the UW campus. My sophomore year I worked as a team leader on a project to develop a central bluetooth hub device to synchronize multiple speakers within a certain range to play one input.

Name: Ben Helgeson
Year: Senior
Major: Electrical Engineering
Position: Co-President
I am a Senior in Electrical Engineering and this is my fourth year in EBE. I have been in all sorts of roles since joining as a general member (team leader, membership chair, and co-president). I am from Minnetonka, Minnesota. I have worked at Design Ready Controls where I worked on industrial control panels and Northrop Grumman for two summers where I have worked in their Weapon Systems Department. I have always been interested in entrepreneurship and love using EBE as a way to meet other people who share that interest. While at UW, I have played intramural sports and been involved in a couple of other clubs along the way.

Name: Evan Dahle
Year: Senior
Major: Computer Engineering
Position: Membership and Social Chair
My first year in EBE I worked on an idea for a college meal sharing and grocery shopping app. I was a member of the executive board as the fundraising chair during my second year, and I am currently the membership and social chair on the board during my third year in EBE.

Name: Constantine Bensch
Year: Sophomore
Major: Biological Systems Engineering
Position: VP
My first year at EBE, I took the position as a very strong leader for my group during the two fully online semesters. In addition, I brought my team to the online version of the Transcend competition.